Our Facilities and Services
Law Library
The Rainy River District Law Association maintains a law library on the third floor of the Fort Frances Courthouse. The library is locked when it is not staffed. Access to the Library is available as follows:
Members of the public: Members of the public can access the library by appointment when it is open and staffed by the law librarian, which is generally from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Mondays and Tuesdays. To confirm an appointment to visit the law library, please contact us by emailing rainyriverlaw@gmail.com.
Legal counsel, paralegals, and judicial officers who are not members of the association: Legal counsel, paralegals, and judicial officers who are not members of the Association can access the library at any time the courthouse is open by signing out a key from the Court Services desk on the second (main) floor. These keys must be returned by the end of the business day.
Members of our association: Members of the association are entitled to their own permanent key to the library. These can be signed out from the Court Services desk. Keys are not to be loaned to third parties or non-members.
Only members of the association are permitted to remove materials from the library. A sign-out book is available in the library when the librarian is not present.
Reading Room
The association maintains a reading room (or lounge) for counsel and paralegal use on the first floor (basement level) of the Fort Frances Courthouse.
Amenities: The reading room has a locker area and washrooms, as well as a workspace and computer terminal. Instructions to access the wireless internet (wifi) are posted in the reading room.
Lockers: Members of the association are entitled to ongoing use of a designated locker in the reading room. Visitors to the reading room are asked to remove their belongings at the end of each business day. The association is not responsible for property or goods left unattended in the reading room.
Access to the Reading Room: Visiting counsel and paralegals can access the reading room by signing out a key from the Court Services desk on the second (main) floor. Keys must be returned by the end of the business day. Members of the association can obtain their own key, which can also be requested from Court Services.
Counsel and paralegals are not permitted to leave clients or members of the public unattended in the reading room. While the reading room may be used for brief meetings with clients, there is no private meeting space and other counsel or paralegals cannot be prevented from entering the reading room.
Questions and Membership Inquiries
Questions about our services, facilities, or library collection or membership inquiries can be directed to rainyriverlaw@gmail.com.
Last Updated: August 2, 2023